Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Polynomials - what a strange word! These sections are more about understanding terminology than actual calculations. Your task is to try and explain each term in your own words so that your classmates (or your parents!) understand what each term means. You MUST choose 1, or you can do more if you like. DUE NO LATER THAN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2008



Tricia Michiels said...

Like terms are used when solving equations. They are usually used when trying to solve an equation with variables. It simply means any whole number by itself, combine it; any whole number with a variable, add them together and put them by the variable; if there are only variables, add them together; if there variables alone and a number with the same variables, add them together. So like terms are just numbers and variables that are related.

Anonymous said...

Well, I tried to look up what polynomial meant, and it didn't really make sense to me, so there's no use trying to define it. I do know what a coefficient is, though. It's a number that is used to multiply a variable. For example, in the expression 4x+2y, the coefficients are 4 and 2, because x will be multiplied by 4, and y will be multipled by y. Et viola.

Anonymous said...

Oops. y will be multiplied by 2, not itself.

Danielle said...

You use like terms when solving an equation. Like terms means to combine variables, whole numbers, etc. Like if you had 5+6x-5x = 3+4 you would first combine the two variables, 6x and -5x, which is x. Then on the other side, you would add the two whole numbers 3 and 4 which is 7. Now you have to add a
-5 to each side to get all your whole numbers together. So your final answer would be x = 2.

terra said...

I chose binomial. This means when you write an expression for the sum or difference of two different terms. An example of this would be 3x + 2y and 3y − 4x. You also have to rememeber that you need 2 terms in order for it to be true.

Mitchell said...

A polynomial is a set of numbers or a sum of numbers that is a multiplication of numerals and variables.

Natalie Wheeler said...

I chose coefficient as my term. Scientifically this term means a number or quantity placed before and multiplying another quantity. For example in 3x, the 3 would be the coefficent. So, generally this just means its the number that is being multiplied in an equation. Another example would be x(a+b).

Tess said...

I chose like terms. You use like terms when you are solving an equation. Like for example,
8y+9+2y=9-4. In that equation, you would combine the y's first and then add a negative 9 to the right side of the equation.

Unknown said...

To have a monomial expession, you have to have an expression with only one term in it that is greater than 0. This would include something like ax to the n power with a being the number and n being the power greater than or equal to 0. So monomial expressions need to have ONLY one term in them!!!

ADeWitt said...

A monomial is a term formed completely by multipication;
Ex. 4x. This is a monomial because 4x is one complete term because we don't know what x is. Monomials can also have exponents.
Amber DeWitt

waltnich said...

like tearm is when you have something like 2X + 5X the it realy means 7X or if you have A+A+A+A+B that would be 4A+b so all it is is like the same vriable being added to have less numbers in the proplem

Maes said...

I will choose the Degree of the Polynomial. It is the highest exponent that you have.
Ex. x4+x8-x2 The Degree of the Polynomial is 8 because that is the highest number that x is raised by.

Alexis Lunderville said...

Trinomials and binomials are pretty easy. "Tri" meaning three and "bi" meaning two. But two of what? there are two terms in a binomial and three in a trinomial. For example: x+4 would be a binomial. there are two terms separated by a plus sign. An example of a trinomial would be: x+4x+-18. there are three trems separated by plus signs.

kali said...

A term is each mono mial seperated by a addition sign. For example 4^3+5^10+6^8. The terms would be 4^3,5^10,6^8. When you write down the terms you seperate the with a comma. Like terms are number with the exact same variables. For example 2x^3 and 9x^2.You can't add those together because the variables's exponentes don't match.

Conor said...

I am going to choose degree of the polynomial. Is the highest degree of the term. 6x+2-8x In this case the terms would be 6,2,-8 the highest degree would be 6 and that would be the degree of the polynomial

Zack Winans said...

bi in binomial means 2
mono means 1
tri means 3
poly means 5 or more
like terms means exactly the same
term means alike
This is all I can remember from class at this point.

sam bissing said...

Polynomial is a monomial or a sum of monomials. What a monomial is, is simple, it's a number (4) or variable (x) or a product (4n), but the numbers have to be whole. So, there is no negative exponents and no variables in the denominator.

Marshall said...

Polynominal can mean one number or varible or it can be a equation that has 1 step or more like
4.3+7x^2-6.8x^7. No matter how many numbers or varibles it has it is always a polynominal. But if there is a number or varible in the denominator of a number or equation it is not a polynominal like:

Erin said...

The degree of term is when you add up all the exponents in an equation. An example would be:
3x+y^2+2x^5=8. You would get 8 because the exponents are 1,2,and a 5.The exponents are located behind the variables.

Michele said...

The degree of term is really the easiest for me even though it sounds kind or weird. When you have the equation you must add up the exponents and that would be your degree of terms. For example:
8x^2y^3+2xy^5-3x^2+5y-4the D.O.T is
5,6,2,1,0 because all you do is add the exponents in the terms.

Olyvia said...

To find the degree of the polynomial you first have to find the degree of the term first. The degree of the term is found simply by add all of the exponents together on the variables. Once you find all of exponents the largest number is the degree of polynomial.
An example is
5x^5y+ 3x^7y^2+ 2xy-4
6, 9, 2, 0
The degree of the polinomial is 9

Brad said...

I'm going to explain decending order. Decending order is when you put the terms in the problem in order by their exponets.

Juliana said...

A monomial is a math expression that is a number, variable, or a product with whole number exponents. There can be no negative exponents.

A polynomial is a monomial or a the answer of monomials added together.

Terms are each number or variable in an equation that are seperated by addition. Example: 9a+2c the terms are 9a and 2c.

Like terms are the terms that have the exact same parts. like 2^2+2^2.

A binomial is a polynomial with exactly two terms.

A trinomial is a polynomial with exactly 3 terms.

The coefficient is the numerical factor of a term. Example: 2f+7j the coefficients are 2 and 7.

The degree of each term is the highest exponent, then counted down to zero. Example: 7^6 + 8^2 the DOT is 6,5,4,3,2,1,0.

The degree of the polynomial is the highest exponent. Example:
8^5 + 9^3 + 7^2 the DOP is 5, because it's the highest exponent.

max said...

a term is a monomial in a polynomial that is seperated by addition. If you have an equation like; 8x + 2y + 6z, the terms would be 8x, 2y, 6z. Each thing that is seperated by the addition sign is a term

levi budz said...

i am going to talk about oeficcients right now becuz that is what i no the most about right now. A coeficcient is a number that is infront of a varible(letter). For example in the expression 5x x 4y the coeiccients are. For x the coeficcient is 5 and for y it is 4. The purpose of a coeficcient is to tell you how many there are of a varible.

Anna said...

The degree of the term is the number or sum that you get when you add the exponents of the variables in one term. This sounds complicated but it's actually very easy. What it means is that you add the exponents of the variables of each term in an equation. When you do this for all of the terms in an equation, the one that adds up to be the biggest is called the degree of the polynomial.

Skye said...

The Coefficient is the numeral in a(n) equation or sentance. The Leading Coefficient is the highest ranking number in a sentance.

huem_rach said...

term is a number, variable with or without exponents; each term is seperated by an addition or subtraction symbol. there can be more than one variable/number/exponent as long as they are mutltiplied and added/subtracted, that would make two different terms.

Bryan said...

A coefficeint is the numerical factor of the term. The term is the monomial in a polynomial and the monomial is and expression that is either a number, a variable, or a product with whole number exponents. A polynomial ia a monomial or a sum of monomials. no the coeffient is the number in front of the monomial telling how many there are of that variable.

Aly said...

terms are the parts of a polynomal seperated by addition signs. they are just the parts of a problem... =)