Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Algebra for Entertainment?

Have you ever come across a math trick where you are asked to pick a number, then add, subtract, multiply or divide it depending on the situation, and when you were all finished the number represented something specific?
For example:
1. Pick the number of times per week you would like sleep in (more than 1, less than 8)
2. Multiply this number by 2.
3. Add 5.
4. Multiply it by 50 (do you need a calculator?)
5. If you have already had your birthday this year, add 1757... If you haven't, add 1756.
6. Now subtract the year you were born.

You should have a three digit number......... the first digit is the number of days you want to sleep in and the next 2 numbers are (do you recognize it?)... your age!

All of these problems can be represented using algebra (yes, there is a use for it!).
Can you prove this one? If so, write it down and turn it in before the test next week; it is worth an extra credit point!
challenge you to try to write your own problem (at least 5 steps) and post it on the blog. Other students can then either prove (or disprove) your problem. Be creative - have fun!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

How do you study for a math test?

Here are a few suggestions:

1. Work through problems!! The answers to all the odd numbered problems are in the back of the book. Do those and check your answer.

2. Don't spend a lot of time on the problems you know how to do, work on the ones that look difficult or confusing to you.

3. Check over your notes and the examples from class.

4. Stop by your math teacher's room before school or have the math resource teacher check your answers. That way you will have time to ask questions before the test.

5. Work with a friend on the assignment and compare your answers. Hopefully one of you knows how to do it correctly!!

What is "math" anyway?

I find it very interesting that many of you do not think that logic is "math." What then is your definition? How would you explain what it is to someone from another planet? (okay, work with me on this!) In your comments, try to give your definition of "math." Be as complete as possible. Remember, if you use other sources for your information, please document them!