Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What is "math" anyway?

I find it very interesting that many of you do not think that logic is "math." What then is your definition? How would you explain what it is to someone from another planet? (okay, work with me on this!) In your comments, try to give your definition of "math." Be as complete as possible. Remember, if you use other sources for your information, please document them!


Juliana said...

If you read my comment in "Is playing games really just math?" I put that I do think that math is logic. Everything in math involves logic. You have to have logical thinking to do anything in math. If you have two jelly beans and two peanuts in your hand - how many things do you have in your hand?.. 4.. that is 2+2=4 see even a word problem can be math. Math is a very logical subject, when you think 2+2=? you don't think well maybe the plus stands for another number and you're supposed to multiply, you simply think 2+2=4. Math isn't like Language Arts, you don't need to be creative when you go to math, your mind has to be in a logical state of thinking. Math is logic, it always has been.

Anonymous said...

To me, "math" is anything that implements the use of numbers, even if those numbers are substituted with real life objects. Math is anything that involves logical, common sense thinking. Like Juliana said, it is just the opposite of Language Arts, where creativity is primarily involved. But I also think Language Arts can use math, too. For example, spelling words. It is logic, because there is only one way to spell a certain word. You cannot be "creative" when you are required to use the correct grammar.

Unknown said...

My definition of math is that you use the ability to solve problems in all different places useing both numbers and variables or word problems. These come up every day and you use "logic" as said by Shannon and Juliana, to solve them. Math is how much of something or how little of something and it requires the thought of just one person to solve it, or in some cases if needed, more than one. You dont just need to think of a few numbers and letters and symbols to have math, but it is made up of mostly this.

conor said...

i think math is logic. When you try and complete a math problem you have to use your logic. Also, math you almost always use numbers. Also, math is like all languages. In math you have to do every single step in order to get the answer correct or get full credit you have to get every step in order. You cannot spell things in your own way there is a certain way to write the work out. Just like math.

k8storm said...

i think math is anything involving problem solving, numbers and variables. you have to use logic common sense do every step in your problem right and it may be easier to show every step.

Brown Bear said...

math is something you need in your everyday life, no matter if it is working in the millitary or working in an office.

Anonymous said...

math is an essential tool to understand the things in life that we thought were unexplainable. like the way we can find how far something can go with what initial speed and at what angle. this helps us to figure out even harder things.